After our free pie giveaway last November, I had a close friend tell me that they didn’t respond to our offer of a free pie because they hadn’t used The Thompson Group to help them buy or sell a home. I was floored as this was a good friend. I started wondering how many of my other friends I was not able to enjoy time with because they felt the same way.
At The Thompson Group our mission is rooted in giving and service. Now, we like to receive gifts like anyone else, but we truly get joy from sharing the blessings that have been bestowed upon us. It actually hurts when someone refuses to allow us to share the blessings God has given us with them.
This summer we have been fortunate to sponsor our own local hero, Cowboy Brad for 3 concerts in Bond Park, located in downtown Estes Park, from 7-8 pm on July 16th, 17th and 18th. We will have free ice cream, games for the kids and giveaways. Our full team will be there to meet you so you can get to know us better and we get to know you better.
There is only one thing we need from you. Don’t rob us of our joy, show up and enjoy yourself. We love Cowboy Brad and want to spend an enjoyable evening listening to him with our friends. That’s it. You don’t have to buy a house through us, sell a house through us, now, in the past or in the future. We look forward to seeing you at the Cowboy Brad concert, for one night or all three.
-Scott Thompson